Compare car insurance companies
When you compare car insurance companies you can not only save money, but potentially get better coverage and better service. Because car insurance companies calculate their rates differently , shopping around is the best way to find the right policy for your needs, regardless of your driving record.
Auto insurance coverage calculator
Wondering how much car insurance you need? Don't guess. Use our car insurance coverage calculator to find out how much insurance you should buy, based on what drivers like you need.
Home and auto insurance claims: Who files more claims?
New data show eye-opening differences between homeowners, renters and those who live with parents when it comes to auto insurance claims.
How much money can you make by driving for Uber or Lyft? Calculate rideshare earnings
Interested in driving for Uber or Lyft, but not sure how much rideshare drivers make? Use the rideshare earnings calculator to estimate your potential earnings.
Which vehicles get the most traffic tickets?
See how your own car stacks up in’s Ticket Magnets rankings — based on more than 550,000 insurance quotes for drivers just like you.
Traffic ticket calculator
Our traffic ticket calculator shows you how much your car insurance rates will increase on average after one of 18 common tickets, including speeding and a DUI.
Car insurance rates by age
Compare car insurance rates by age from the largest auto insurance companies to find the best deals for you.
Car insurance calculator for seniors
Compare car insurance rates for senior drivers by company, state and age to find the best deal on car insurance as a senior, no matter where you live.
Car insurance rates by vehicle
Want to know how much a particular model car costs to insure in your state? The car insurance comparison by vehicle tool will tell you.
How much does insurance go up after a speeding ticket?
A speeding ticket will increase your rates for an average of three years. How much your insurance will go up after a speeding ticket varies by company and state.
How much does car insurance go up after a DUI?
The average car insurance rate increase after a DUI is 127%, but you could pay a lot more depending on where you live and your insurance company.