Surprising things homeowners insurance covers

Here are just a few of the things that are included in a standard home policy.

1. Rocks from outer space

It doesn't happen often, but it does happen; things from space fall to earth and do some damage. In May of 2023, a meteorite fell through a roof in New Jersey. It's a strange thing to report to your insurance company, but the good news is that it's covered.

A standard homeowners policy covers falling objects, and there's no limit specified on how far the object falls. 

2. Volcanic eruptions

Volcanic eruptions are covered by a standard home insurance policy; however, it's limited to any damage to your structure and possessions caused by lava or volcanic ash. That means you'll need a separate earthquake policy to be covered for any tremors and resulting damage connected to an eruption.

The volcano clause is especially important in a state like Hawaii, which also has a state-run volcano insurance program to provide even more coverage for residents in the highest-risk regions.

3. Reward money to catch a thief

If you're robbed or burglarized, your home insurance may cover you up to $1,500 for any reward money you offer for information, but only if it leads to a conviction.

4. Spoiled food

Food spoiled due to a power outage can be covered by your homeowners policy. With some policies the power outage must be due to a covered loss, like a tree falling on your house and also knocking out electricity. Other policies provide coverage for the spoiled stuff in your fridge from any type of power outage. The limit is usually about $500.

4. Damage to a grave marker

Headstones and other grave markers are often targeted by pranksters and are generally covered by homeowners insurance if they're cracked, crushed or defaced with paint.

They're seen as valuables, so they're generally protected in your policy, with reimbursement from $1,000 to $2,500. Homeowners can raise the limit by purchasing additional insurance.

5. First aid 

If someone is injured on your property and first aid is required, your home insurance will pay reasonable expenses for that treatment. The coverage is only offered for someone else who is hurt and not you or members of your family.

6. Your legal defense (and not just your lawyer's fees)

If you're sued, your homeowners insurance will pay to defend you. And that means more than just paying your lawyer. It will also cover fees for any experts called in by your defense lawyer and even your missed pay if you have to leave work to appear in court.